Wednesday, June 06, 2007


I absolutely promise I won't do this very often, but I have to say... this is mighty hot.

Now I wish I knew a little Spanish....


  1. She just says "hello guys, I'm Antonia...I like this a lot" and then as she almost removes the mask but then starts zipping it back on, whispers "no, i don't think so..."

    The lines may not be poetry...but the image certainly is =)

    And by the way, I've been meaning to say this for a long time, but have been too lazy to actually type it: THANKS FOR ALL THE FICTION! And it's been improving too! - The last issue of Spider Girl was almost unbearably kinky, with Susan as Betty and Betty as Susan barely managing to steal a rubbery kiss away from the storyline, leaving the hapless reader salivating like a Pavlovian dog and physically aching for more. Admirable...and this coming from someone who's not particularly fond of superheroes in general or the Marvel universe in particular!

    So thanks again, and keep it coming...


  2. Hey ST - thanks for the translation! Antonia is doing so much good stuff over on YouTube, I'm starting to worry she's scaring away other maskers (what happened to Kitty Mayer recently??).

    And of course, thank you for the comments... I'm particularly pleased as you're not a superhero/Marvel fan. I think the series still works if you don't know the characters... there's just a little extra depth to it if you do (in particular, understanding how I am perverting certain characters!!!).

    Cheers again!

  3. Muchas gracias!!!


    ANTONIA ;)
