Saturday, January 19, 2008

The problems with plotting

I like to plot, but simultaneously, I hate to plot. Let me try and explain.

Before I embark on any long piece of writing - erm, which will be all of them, I guess - I like to try and get some sort of plot written down. That way I have some sort of idea where things are going. Essentially, it's an insurance policy. If I'm sitting at the keyboard wondering where to go next, I can look at the plot and go "Okay, that's the objective - now I just have to get there".

This is especially important in serialised fiction (ie Spider-Girl), as if you have no idea where things might be going to, you can't throw in clues or foreshadowing - and believe me, I like to do that where I can. I also really, really want internal consistency in any series; the world needs to make sense, even if it's a fantastic one, and there needs to be continuity. (That I can later retcon. Joke for the comics fans.)

Having said this, in the process of writing, I frequently go off-plot. In other words, the plot changes as I write it, usually because I have some sort of brainwave that is just too good to ignore. When that happens I usually end up re-writing my plot notes to accommodate the idea, just so I can basically tell myself the story and make sure it all makes sense. (Believe me, it often doesn't. I've rewritten the plot for the Spider-Girl Crossover arc about five times since the first draft. Looking at those original notes, there are plot holes big enough to drive a truck through.)

So I like to have the roadmap, I like to have the plot written down. It can be nightmarish to actually create that plot though, hence my hating to plot, too. Sometimes I will just not have any idea where the plot needs to go, or worse, I have an idea but it just seems too lame for words. Even worse than that, sometimes I have a plot and it's written down and... it still sucks.

This is the worse situation a still-to-be-written story can find itself in, because honestly, once I have the skeleton of a plot down I find it hard to throw that away. Why? Because the process is so tough. Believe it or not, getting ideas is easy (Especially in this 'genre' where essentially all I'm doing is writing down fantasies...). It's having those ideas make sense, and putting them into a story where the characters act in a (reasonably) believable manner, that's the hard part.

Sometimes, the really damn hard part. This is what leads to having loads of half-finished stories, or stories that are plotted but aren't written. In the former case, I usually haven't plotted to the conclusion in a way I like. The latter, I don't like the plot enough to write it - or I haven't plotted to the end, either.

Like opposable thumbs being what separates man from animal, I think plotting is what separates 'erotic fiction' from just 'porn'. While I often jokingly refer to my writing as porn (Hey there, Mr. High Self-Esteem!) in reality it's just fiction... that happens to be erotic in a very specific way. Whereas your average porn movie has zero plot (unless you call 'will the studly handyman fix the broken appliance' a plot) I like to think that everything I write has a definite plot, hopefully with decent dramatic tension, some character development and yeah, plenty of eroticism.

And that, I hope, is why it's worth reading what I write. That and you getting off, naturally. (Just couldn't exit without a dick joke, could I....)


  1. So I see that the aftermath of OMD has managed to escape our borders. Sorry about that.

    Just to be sure there won't be any appearances by Mephisto any time soon will there?


  2. *sigh* and here i was thinking i'd be reading a new issue by now, seeing as your last post indicated you were only "one scene away" from finishing it up. oh well, nice to get a little insight into the process. by the way, how is your play coming along?


  3. MB: One More Day is a global phenomenon, I assure you... I called that particular plot months ago, and much to my disbelief they did it.

    The only thing interesting me about Amazing Spider-Man right now is who Jackpot might be - I'm praying it's not the obvious candidate. Make it Carlie in a wig...

    Anyway - Mephisto? Not damn likely.

    JF: Apologies sir! That last scene is taking longer than expected, but I hope to nail it today... and then hopefully post today, too. You can't rush art. ;)

    (PS: Play isn't going so great, production wise. :( We'll get there somehow, I hope.)
