Monday, July 16, 2007

Well, I guess I'm full of it.

I'm over 2,000 words into Spider-Girl issue #13. So much for that break of mine, eh?

Well, it helps that it's a 'bridging' issue, as I thought it was going to be; I'm tying up fairly essential plot elements that were left over from previous issues, and introducing things for the next big arc... codenamed 'Crossover' as I've said before.

I remembered what I meant to say the other night. I will be writing a 'cast of characters' post at some point, hopefully this week. If you're struggling to tell folks apart in 'Project SG' then hopefully this'll set you right; and if you're a Marvel fan wondering just what the hell kind of changes I've made since I started, well, this should sort you out as well.

Alright, that's it for now.


  1. Just wanted to stop by and drop a line saying that I enjoyed Issue #9. I'm looking forward to seeing the sinster Doc Ock and how Spider Girl handles him. Definately keep up the good work.

  2. Thanks Sheyd, I appreciate it. :)
