Friday, April 06, 2007

Saturday** afternoon tease... well, kinda

I'm backing up my backups, today. Transferring things to DVD, in fact - boy, I lead an exciting life - and I actually found a couple of things I'd been idly looking for. Wooooo. I also found a few things I'd totally forgotten about, one of which is below. But first, because I like exposition, a little background:

Back in 2000 or so I started (No, it's dead. Yes, feel free to take the domain) and worked for a while on gathering as much mask-related fiction as I could into one place. Eventually it ceased through a lack of interest from most people, and also my feeling that frankly, I was spending a lot of time and energy on it and getting not much back. That's not really the point though.

During that period ClosetMonster and I (yes, that ClosetMonster) talked a bit about possibly doing an online comic together using Poser. I threw around some ideas with him and unsurprisingly, my ideas then were much the same as my ideas now!

I had an idea (still do) for continuation of the Spider-Woman 'legacy' which would put someone else in the suit, involve lots of disguises. CM did the test image you see below; I supplied the text.

While I highly doubt this story will ever see the light of day (unless there's a hugely talented* Poser artist reading this with a lot of time on their hands; if so, leave a comment) I still think it's a cool image, and thought it'd be fun to share. Thanks, CM.

Oh, just FYI - Issue #8's about two-thirds done, I reckon. Easily should be finished this weekend as I'm off for four days (Easter, yay) but as I'm away all day Sunday, expect a probable Monday release of (confusingly) Issue #3, as promised.

Anyone out there want to do a Poser pin-up of Spider-Girl?

* Don't think I'm kidding here either. The scripts I write, you'd need to be a 3D and Poser whiz. Oh, and add to that I'm a perfectionist. But hey, the results would be great.

** Yeah, it's a long weekend. Sure felt like Saturday yesterday.

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