Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Unhappy Holidays

With Christmas two days away, it's pretty clear that 'Babysitter' isn't going to be finished and on virtual shelves by then. I just haven't had as much time to devote to it as hoped. Boo.

However, editing continues. I think I've said before that I think this mammoth tale is going to be split into two books, and I think I've found the perfect point to do that. In the little free time I have in the next week or so, I'm going to crack on and get to a completed, revised draft. Then it'll be time for covers, ebook creation and all that jazz. With fingers crossed, you'll see it in January.

I have plans for 2016, though. Pretty big plans. Stay tuned.

For now; happy holidays or merry Christmas or hopefully 'enjoy your time off'.


  1. Hi, just want to check that you're OK? Hope you are. Rachel x

  2. I'm fine! I tried to reply to your email and it bounced back. Email me again?

  3. Oh thank goodness! I was worried when you hadn't posted for ages!
    Much love and hugs and stuff xx

    (I killed my yahoo account - long story - but you can mail me via google?)

  4. Rachel I went to email you today and can't see your gmail address. Drop me a line?
