Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Interested in advice?

I am a conceited ass sometimes. I state this up-front, for those of you who read this and think "Who the hell does this guy think he is?" Let's just be clear: I think I'm full of myself. Sometimes.

With that out of the way...

I've thought for a while that, if people are interested, I could potentially do a series of articles giving out advice for how to write mask fiction. (Or, more specifically - and this is the 'ass' part -how to write better mask fiction.)

Would anyone care? Is anyone even interested in the advice? Is anyone reading who's thinking "I'm interested in writing this stuff but I don't know where to begin?"

If not, no problem. I've got plenty of other things to occupy my time. But if you are interested, speak up....


  1. It depends how the advice is phrased. If its a matter of helping us become better maskfiction writers then sure. But if its a matter of "our maskfiction sucks automatically because we are not GW the god of maskfiction, because only he knows what qualifies as good mask fiction." then hell no.

    So basically if its constructive criticism and advice go for it, but if it comes across as merely a way to proclaim how superior you are then don't.

  2. Hah hah. Well hello Anonymous, my old friend. ;)

    Well like I said, in some ways, even suggesting this makes me come across as a conceited ass. But no, it wouldn't be a "Here is how to write like ME" series of articles.

    It'd be more advice based on what I've read and what I've written. There are unique (and very odd) challenges to what we write, so really just advice on that, what I've done to try and get by that, and so on. I'd always want to be constructive.

    Ultimately (and I say this with experience in that I've read way too many 'how to write' books) all you can do is take advice and then throw out what doesn't work, and use what does. That's what I'd encourage people to do.

    And also, they can call me an ass while remaining Anonymous if they like. ;)

  3. Well, that is part of the fun of the internet, that at times it can allow one to maintain a "secret identity" if you will. That way there's no fear of witchhunts or condemnation later via harsher criticisms when we show the fruits of your lessons.

    So how would these instructional articles that your proposing or considering offering work?

  4. Elizabeth Rees5 June 2010 at 03:19

    I would take all the advice I could get, and I'd be grateful for it! I'm sure your advice would be helpful.

  5. Hey GW,

    Any status updates to report?

