Thursday, March 31, 2016

Title reveal, possible publication and more

It's the last day of March! Dammit, better give you an update. I'll try to make this quick. Especially for whoever left a 'Dull' reaction on my last post... ya dick.


The official title for what was long known as 'The Babysitter' is.... A Lie Within A Lie.

(I know, a little pretentious sounding, but what can you do? I love this title. I'm not going to call my books 'Seduced by a Masker' or 'My Wife, The Man' or something. I have some principles! I shall take them to my pauper's grave!)

There's two books, as I've said a few times before. Book one is subtitled The Singer. Book two is subtitled The Spy. Figure that one out.


Good news! Book one is done. Like, done done. Like, Kindle-ready-done. Like, I could put it live on Amazon this week... done.

Bad news! Book two is not done. And book two is twice the size of book one. Like, 100K words. So it's taking a while to edit! I am ploughing through (roughly one-third done) but it's taking time.

So here's the question to you: do I...

a) Release A Lie Within A Lie: The Singer ASAP and leave you hanging for a bit on The Spy?


b) Hold off until both books are done (I hope a few weeks, max...) and then release both at once so you can gobble them up together?


c) Do whatever the heck I want.

Feel free to cast your vote below in comments.


With a name, I have a cover! And I have a pretty image of said cover! So here it is. Oooooh. And yes! If possible this will be a paperback. Just think of it, right now, as a virtual one.

Oooh it's a book innit.
There's one more thing but I'm saving it. Just wanted to get this out before April 1st so you know, you believe me.


  1. Option A! I love to get teased

  2. Option A, mostly because it is better to have something and be teased and it is just a couple of weeks

  3. Release Book One ASAP, Please :-)

  4. This is 3 out of 3! Release the book!!! You've kept us hanging too long already.

    I admire your patience and I assume it's in the interests of perfection. If I write or edit (more usual) anything I can hardly wait to see it posted.
