So... where have I been? Easy... not here. Been writing. But not here.
And that's in a dual sense; I haven't been writing mask fiction, I've been writing other stuff. I've been working on a couple of different things this year - both plays - and one of them is shaping up quite nicely. I have actors interested, we've done a read-through of it, and it's looking good. So that's taken a lot of time, and other stuff has slipped.
Doesn't mean I'm going away for good, just means my energies aren't as focused as they have been at other times this year on this stuff.
When I do switch back into mask fiction mode, Project T is what's been worked on, and that still progresses in fits and starts. I hope to have it done pre-Christmas, which (I think) is a sort of realistic timescale.
That's it! Just wanted to say 'hi'. Feel free to drop me a line - my name at gmail dot com.